Art is an expression that brings out feelings and emotions that cannot be condensed into words.

It creates a timeless bond between the creator and the creation. Sharing art itself is an unforgettable experience, and this time through my art, I intend to make the audience an integral part of that experience.

Citylife, a beautiful area of Milan, has organized “Hunter Game,” an art project that will not only infuse the site with an explosion of color, making it come alive through my artwork, but will also unite its people in the hunt for brushes that I will leave as breadcrumbs in all my paintings sprinkled over the area to show my passage.

The project aims to bring the people of Citylife together in a fun and engaging game hunt at a time when we need to experience-more than anything else-that feeling of being together again. It is an artistic endeavor that, while adding a touch of visual appeal in an already vibrant area, will be a symbol of so much that life has to offer.

The funniest thing is that the people who end up finding the brushes will receive a surprise gift. This project that was created in collaboration with @dutygorn with @citylifeshoppingdistrict will be spread through social and stories. Keep an eye out for this exciting experience that is sure to be a breath of fresh, colorful air for everyone out there!

Radio Deejay with Alessandro cattelan, Rudy Zerbi and Laura Antonini