Nido gallery hollywood road hk
Traveling the world is one of life’s most enriching and liberating experiences.
Among other things, my work has always given me the opportunity to travel the world, to show my art to people and to communicate a variety of emotions and experiences, otherwise difficult to communicate, through my creativity.
This time, my work as an Artist took me to Hong Kong, a beautiful and vibrant city with some of the most enthusiastic and welcoming people I have ever met. Hong Kong is a city full of life, a city that has enough for everyone.
The wonderful people who visited my exhibition and their valuable words of appreciation were a reward in themselves. To say that my exhibition in Hong Kong was a delightful experience would be an understatement. I enjoyed it more than I can put into words. Here are some memories of my trip to this wonderful place.

The layers in the work represent two different color situations. On one side we can see the color scale of grays with these colors tells what once represented black and white images, on other different levels we can glimpse the bright colors of light, bright color contrasts with defined lines that break up the figure. The layers of decomposed canvases have a symbolic meaning, it is the DutyGorn code that portrays the soul through the past and the future, it is a continuous search for the soul within. Returning a new identity to the artwork.