Seregno, 11 Bottego Street. A mural created by DutyGorn for Academy Musical Arts, saying no to bullying and discrimination

Seregno. Funded and supported by the City of Seregno through the Youth Summer 2022 call, the project aims to create teamwork with other associations against discrimination and gender-based violence. The fight against violence , cannot be separated from actions to support cultural changes, mainly in younger age groups for whom it has to do with gender approach and their own freedom to live and be. The “Follow your dream” project aims to contribute to the reduction of violence and discrimination and bullying, through improving the knowledge and skills of youth groups from high schools and youth groups active in the territories, on issues related to human rights advocacy and development.
The overall goal of the project is to raise awareness against discrimination starting with young people, with the aim of not relegating the discussion of tools for combating violence only within small groups, with the risk of self-referral.


Academy Musical Art
is a place for growth and education, within the Sant’Ambrogio neighborhood, and is intended to be an example of how a cultural center can be conceived as an innovative tool to contribute to the regeneration of an urban suburb.
Art is a form of expression that brings people together: it is an act of hope that can provide a sense of belonging even in times of violence, discrimination and bullying through its ability to communicate feelings. Hope in this work is told by the proud gazes, turned toward the future, of the subjects, men and women, belonging to the artist’s life but reinterpreted and represented through his style.

Artist DutyGorn ‘s work in the “Follow you dreams” project on human rights advocacy

SEREGNO A mural on the headquarters of
on Bottego Street against discrimination and gender-based violence. It is the first of the initiatives of the “
Follow your dreams
” funded by the municipality through the Summer 2022 Youth Call for Proposals, which involves local associations and schools to raise awareness about defending human rights against discrimination and bullying. The course, sponsored by the Cartanima association, began last weekend with free participatory art workshops curated by artist DutyGorn, who created the mural. A 42-year-old Milanese who has been a renowned artist for 20 years, I covered the association’s wall with bright colors on which he drew three faces, male and female. “They are glances that do not judge and go beyond, that also tell a dream and a perspective“, explained the artist, for the first time engaged in the city. Saturday afternoon he also received a visit from aldermen Federica Perelli, Laura Capelli and William Viganò and city councilor Samuele Tagliabue, chairman of the Sports and Youth Policy Committee. A free theater workshop “Human Right” with the staff of Academy Musical Arts, an opportunity for young people to study and discuss the issues of discrimination and bullying, while meetings on gender-based violence will be offered in schools in the presence of the contact person of some national associations. II final moment of the project-titled Rights in the Square-is scheduled for Saturday, October 22: a party in Risorgimento Square (from 3 p.m.) on the theme of rights, with the collaboration of more than fifteen local associations. Throughout the day debates, book presentations, exchanges of ideas and performance moments with young people who participated in previous phases of the pathway. ‘Follow your Dreams’ be a starting point ber a better Seregno, which is why the project is for young people who are the future of the city,” explain the promoters. “It is room o from the episode two years ago (the homophobic writings on the Via Bottego office, ed. and is intended to be an opportunity for the education of young people to open up to the future and continue to be themselves. The mural is a splash of color in the neighborhood and a nice message. We hope that this project will be number zero of a long series,” concluded Alberto Genovese, co-director Artistco of Cartanima. Source @ Seregno Newspaper